Storytelling — Use your drawing skills to communicateFor this workshop the intention is to use your skills to tell stories and not just draw things. Try to tell a short story to actually…Aug 19, 2020Aug 19, 2020
Published innorchFuzzy offline-first search with leven-matchFuzzy search is here for search-index, an offline-first search engine library. Leven-match is just a little code on top of leven — a…Aug 3, 2020Aug 3, 2020
Drawing workshop with MiroWith so many people suddenly working from home, we need some new tools and skills to better cooperate. We’ve set up a Drawing to…Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020
Usability testing: Easy re-testing of your assumptions with TestonEvery new thing we make is more or less an assumptionj. The assumtion is that a user will understand a user interface, and be willing and…May 15, 2020May 15, 2020
How to create questions for a user interview?A quick look at how to set up a script for interviewing users as part of user research.Apr 16, 20201Apr 16, 20201
The visual alphabet — Your building blocks to draw quicklyIn this workshop you’ll learn the basics on drawing to communicate. It’s good when you want to draw quickly and/or don’t think you can…Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
Human beings and interaction — Get your people to interactStick figures can work for a lot of scenarios, but several interacting isn’t one of them. And they tend to look very alike, not letting…Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
Draw to communicate: The definitive do-it-yourself workshop kitTo teach yourself and colleagues to draw to communicate, I have put together the definitive do-it-yourself workshop list.Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
Published innorch22 new stopword languages - 54 in totalYay! We’re really happy to support stopword removal for 54 languages. We’ve added 22 from stopwords-json and feels it is feature complete…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Published inBransjebloggen 3minUser interviewing — How and why?The short and sweet way to get to know your user.Jan 15, 20201Jan 15, 20201
User interviewing — How and why?Let’s start quickly with the last question first. Why interviewing users is a good tool? Why to do it?Dec 12, 2019Dec 12, 2019
Draw to communicate: The simplify and differentiate workshopLast time I wrote about why you should draw to communicate and how to go about it, plus a simple workshop to get going.Dec 10, 2019Dec 10, 2019
Published innorchThe content you care about, stored where you want it.Earlier we’ve written about document and query processing in the browser. Now it’s time for first method on adding content to i.e. a…Aug 25, 2019Aug 25, 2019
Published innorchSimple document and query processing for your browserThe volatile search engine is coming closer to reality, making the creation of- and using search engines simpler, more useful and cheap. It…Aug 4, 2019Aug 4, 2019
Published innorchStopword module now runs in the browser. Yay!The “make it run in the browser” issue has been idling for almost two years, but finally we can tell you that you can now remove…Jul 2, 2019Jul 2, 2019
Why draw to communicateA quick walkthrough on why words don’t commuicate that well alone, why drawings does a lot better, and pointers to how to draw well enough.Apr 8, 2019Apr 8, 2019
Published innorchNew version of search-index outPromise based API, simple and flexible.Mar 18, 2019Mar 18, 2019
Published innorchAn analysis on using Wikipedia to generate stopword listsA quick analysis on how to generate stopword lists that are good enough for natural language processing. Basically, how many documents do…Mar 11, 2019Mar 11, 2019
Published innorchStopword lists for Hebrew and SwahiliStuff is moving along nicely with the stopword module. Some weeks ago, somebody created a Swahili stopword list with the stopword-trainer…Mar 7, 2019Mar 7, 2019